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College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

What is CLEP?

The College-Level Examination Program® (CLEP®)通过在CLEP 33考试中获得合格分数,为您提供获得大学学分的机会. 超过2900所学院和大学将接受成功分数的学分. CLEP考试允许通过独立或事先学习获得全面学科知识的人参加, on-the-job training, 或文化追求,以表明他们对大学水平的材料有理解.

Scheduling a CLEP Exam


  1. Setup an account and register for an exam here:
  2. Then schedule an exam date here:
  3. When you come to campus for your exam, 请到商务办公室(尼克森行政大楼), (116室),并缴付象征性的考试管理费
  4. 所有面对面会议将在格罗斯曼广场204室举行

My Account for CLEP

CLEP创建了我的帐户-一个资源丰富,对学生有用的工具. Set up your own account!

With My Account, you can:

  • 轻松支付,注册和登记(您可以24/7注册CLEP考试)
  • 在考试前随时更新您的帐户信息
  • 访问考试中心和分数收件人的信息
  • 查看您的分数,并将您的成绩单发送到机构
  • Purchase study materials 

Who Earns College Credit with CLEP?

  • Adults returning to school
  • Military service members
  • Traditional-age college students
  • Homeschooled students and high school students
  • 母语人士希望满足他们的语言要求
  • 希望将海外课程转化为美国大学学分的国际学生.S. colleges
  • 硕士学位课程申请人,希望满足本科先决条件
  • 想要在事业上取得进步的专业人士

Taking CLEP Exams


  • Instant candidate score reports
  • Year-round testing
  • "Rights-only" scoring – no penalty for guessing

咨询您的学术顾问,了解哪些CLEP®考试被接受,以及成功完成考试的分数. See: Preparing for CLEP Exams

CLEP at Cape Cod Community College

More about CLEP: CLEP® is for Everyone   GETTING TO KNOW CLEP® 

When are CLEP® examinations offered?

CLEP® dates can be found in our scheduling calendar which you can use to schedule your CLEP exam.


Each exam costs $89.00 plus a $20.00 non-refundable Administration Fee.  Your costs will increase if you choose to purchase additional study materials through your "MyAccount"; available at the time you purchase your exam(s).

How do I register for my CLEP® exam?

考生通过网上注册并支付考试费用 College Board's website.



How do I send CLEP® transcripts to my college or employer?

当您在“我的帐户”中注册考试时,您可以指定哪个学院, employer, 或者你想要收到你成绩的认证机构.  第一次申请成绩单是不收费的——你的考试费用已经涵盖了.


每个学院都有自己的日程安排政策和程序. Once you have purchased your exam(s), 按照你希望参加考试的学院提出的步骤去做. You can schedule your own appointment in our scheduling calendar

When should I schedule my appointment?

建议你在交完钱后尽快安排考试时间. Don't forget to print your Exam Registration Ticket; you will not be able to test without it.

What do I bring with me to my CLEP® appointment?

  1. Your printed Exam Registration Ticket
  2. 商务办公室开具的CLEP管理费收据
  3. One form of government-issued photo ID, such as a Driver's License, Passport, State ID issued by the RMV, Military ID (Common Access Card), Tribal ID, Naturalization card, 公民证书或大学理事会®身份证明表格
  4. Accommodation paperwork issued by the O'Neill Center; if applicable


请在预定考试时间前15分钟到达考试中心. You will NOT 在考试开始后被录取,也不能耽误你的考试管理.

When will I receive my CLEP® scores?

您将立即在考试中心收到成绩报告, except if you took the College Composition exam. 这次考试的成绩报告需要三到四周的时间.  你也可以登录网站查看你的在线成绩 CLEP My Account Portal 用你报名考试时用的账号. 登录后,进入我的CLEP考试成绩页面查看您的成绩. 考试后的一个工作日,考试成绩就会在网上公布. 大学作文考试成绩在考试后1-2周公布. You may access the College Composition Scoring and mailing Dates.

当我注册考试时,我没有选择一个分数接收人,但是, since testing, I have changed my mind – what should I do now?

You can order a CLEP® Transcript. This cumulative transcript covers all of the CLEP® 你在过去20年里参加过的考试和取得的分数.


如果申请人是det365中文的入学学生,CLEP®分数将被评估为det365中文的成绩单. CCCC遵循美国教育委员会推荐的50分或以上的及格分数.

What if I am taking this exam for another college?

在购买考试之前,请确保您已经与您的指导老师和注册师进行了交谈. 你会想要确定你的大学接受CLEP® 你的测试符合你的学术需求.


是的,在首次考试日期后的三个月内,你不能重复参加同一题目的考试. 如果你在三个月内重新参加考试, your administration will be considered invalid, your score will be canceled, and any test fees will be forfeited. 

What if I want to cancel my scores?

如果您不希望报告您的考试,请在考试结束时选择取消分数选项. 一旦你看到你的即时成绩报告,就没有办法取消你的成绩. 一旦你取消了考试,就没有办法取回你的分数了.


You may call us at (774) 330-4543. The Student Readiness Office is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8:30am–4:30pm and Wednesdays from 8:30am–7:00pm; we look forward to helping you.

Contact the Student Readiness Office

Jane Lancaster, Administrative Assistant
Location Grossman 204
Phone 774.330.4543