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Service Animals on Campus

det365中文通常允许服务性动物在学院维护的所有设施中协助残疾人. Therefore, 残障人士应被允许在其服务动物的陪同下进入学院所有允许公众进入的区域. 为保障安全或避免影响书院运作,书院有权限制在书院内使用服务性动物.

此政策仅适用于学院拥有或控制下的设施. 请注意,在非学院设施中使用服务性动物可能会受到限制, such as hospitals, science laboratories field trip venues, or other clinical or internship experience locations. 这些限制是由个别设施根据自己的政策和程序制定的,学院无法控制这些限制.

《bet365体育平台》的规定将“服务性动物”定义为任何被单独训练来为残疾人工作或执行任务的狗, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not service animals for the purposes of this definition. However, in certain instances, 根据其他法律可能允许使用其他动物作为服务动物,因此请咨询学院的残疾服务官员.

服务性动物所做的工作或任务必须与其主人的残疾直接相关. 服务性动物的工作或任务包括但不限于:

  • 帮助盲人或视力低下的人导航或完成其他任务
  • 提醒失聪或有听力障碍的人注意有人或有声音的
  • providing non-violent protection or rescue work
  • pulling a wheelchair
  • assisting an individual during a seizure
  • alerting individuals to the presence of allergens
  • retrieving items such as medicine or the telephone
  • 为行动不便的人提供身体上的支持和帮助,帮助他们保持平衡和稳定
  • 通过预防或打断冲动或破坏性行为来帮助精神和神经障碍患者

Services that do not qualify as work or tasks performed by a service animal include:

  • crime deterrent effects
  • the provision of emotional support, comfort, or companionship, often referred to as "therapy" or "companion" animals

Consistent with state law, all dogs on campus shall:

  • possess an animal license in compliance with Massachusetts law
  • be properly immunized and vaccinated
  • wear a current license and rabies vaccination tag

建议服务性动物佩戴某种可识别的标志,以表明它是服务性动物. However, 不要求提供证明动物受过特殊训练或“认证”服务动物的文件.

When practicable, 寻求使用服务性动物的学生或员工被要求在将动物带到学院财产之前通知残疾服务办公室. A service animal's handler will be asked to complete a voluntary Service Animal Registration Form and an 承认责任和放弃责任协议. These documents shall be maintained confidentially by the College.

If the animal qualifies as a service animal, 当动物在学校时,处理者将自愿同意遵守这一政策. 市民如欲携带服务性动物参观学院,应在可行的情况下,事先通知学院的残疾事务办事处. 有关在大学财产上使用服务性动物的具体问题,可以通过电话直接联系奥尼尔学生访问和支持中心的协调员 774.330.4337.


  • Is the animal required because of a disability?
  • What work or task is the animal trained to perform?

学院不得询问个人残疾的性质或程度. Further, 如果很明显服务性动物受过训练,可以为残疾人士工作或执行任务,学院不得对服务性动物进行此类询问.g., the dog is observed guiding an individual who is blind, pulling a person's wheelchair, 或者为有明显行动障碍的人提供稳定或平衡方面的帮助).

学院不负责照顾或监督服务性动物. 服务性动物必须始终处于其训练员的控制之下. A service animal shall have a leash or other tether, 除非训导员因为残疾不能使用皮带或其他系绳, or the use of such would interfere with the service animal’s safe, effective performance of its work or tasks. Under those circumstances where a service animal is not tethered, the service animal must be otherwise under the handler’s control (e.g., voice control, signals, or other effective means).

Service animals must be clean. 每天梳理和偶尔洗澡应该用来保持动物的气味到最低限度. Adequate flea prevention and control must be maintained. If a service animal's odor is offensive to other individuals, 指导人员将被要求在返回学院之前为服务动物洗澡. A service animal's handler must clean up after the animal. If due to a disability the handler is unable to do so, the handler shall make alternative arrangements to do so.


  • 失控,其处理者没有采取有效措施控制它(包括动物对校园内其他人构成直接威胁和/或表现出干扰教育过程的行为);
  • is not housebroken, is ill, or presents a reoccurring offensive odor; and/or
  • is not properly licensed and/or vaccinated.

If the College excludes a service animal from its premises, 在没有服务性动物在场的情况下,它仍应为残疾人士提供参与其项目或活动的机会.

Members of the public should avoid:

  • 抚摸服务性动物,因为这可能会使它们从工作中分心
  • Feeding a service animal
  • Deliberately startling a service animal
  • Calling or attempting to attract the attention of a service animal
  • Attempting to separate a service animal from its handler


Contact Us

O'Neill Center for Student Access and Support

Location: Maureen M. Wilkens Hall, Room 222

Hours: Monday–Friday: 8:30am–4:30pm (later times by appointment)

Phone: 774.330.4337
